SCHLAUe Infoabende 2025
SCHLAUe Infoabende 2025
On 24 April, the German Rector´s Conference (HRK) assumed a clear position on the subject of "Sex-based discrimination". Here you can find the corresponding recommendation of the 24th general meeting of the German Rector´s Conference (HRK)
The Conference for equal oportunity officers and equal oppotunities offices (BuKof) issued a press release on this topic on 24 May 2018. The manual published online includes information, recommendations, materials and guidelines on this topic..
Sexual violence can affect every woman. If you experienced rape or other forms of sex-based violence, you can receive help. The Anonymous securing of evidence after sexual violence (ASS) makes it possible to secure all necessary evidence (traces of sperm, injuries, hair, etc.) without reporting the perpetrator of the offence. You have time to consider whether to report or not. The evidence is kept for up to ten years.
Anonymous securing of evidence after sexual violence (ASS)
At the Univeristy of Wuppertal, the psychologist (Masters degree in Psychology) Dr. Britta Marfels supports you in difficult work and life situations. Affected persons can also contact Dr. Marfels in cases of sex-based discrimination.
Scheduling appointments
You can schedule an appoinment either by telephone or by e-mail.
Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Britta Marfels
Telephone: (+49 202) 439-2999
Room M. 11.01
Student advisory centre at the University of Wuppertal
The advisory centre FrauenBeratung Wuppertal is a point of contact for women and girls, who have been victims of sex-based discrimination or sexual violence. Further information about the work of the advisory centre FrauenBeratung Wuppertal, as well as dates for an open consulation, i.e. without an appointment, and personal consultations, i.e. with an appointment, can be found on the website of the advisory centre.
The website of the federal Anti-Discrimination Agency provides information on sex-based discrimination, relevant adresses and emergency numbers.
Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
The victim support organization WEISSER RING e.V. offers a free and anonymous helpline at 116 006 (daily between 7 am and 10 pm). Affected persons can make use of our online consultation, too.
Victim support WEISSER RING e.V.
The Student Union (AStA) offers an online form for reporting cases to students who suffer discrimination at the University of Wuppertal. In everyday university student life students can be confronted with discriminatory comments and acts of violence - inside and outside study, e.g. when meeting fellow students, employees of the university or lectures. Discrimination inclued racist remarks, sexual harrasment, homophobia and body shaming. Unfortunately, it is n most cases difficult for affected students to take legal action, because of the immanent relationship of dependency in which student might find themselves. This, however, does not mean that forms of discrimination like sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, lookism or class discrimination have to remain uncontradicted.
The Student Union offers general legal advice free of charge and is the frist point of contact for students in case of study-related legal questions. Furthermore, students can use the online-form to report cases of discrimination anonymously and, if necessary, to receive support. Independent advisors will get in touch with the person or chair the discussion, if requsted. All personal data will be tretaed confidentially.
Online-form to report cases of discrimination